Which Country Has the Largest Property in the World?

When thinking about property, one might wonder where the largest landholdings on Earth are located. Whether it’s vast estates, sprawling agricultural lands, or royal domains, the title for the country with the largest property isn’t about the most expensive penthouses or skyscrapers.

Instead, it comes down to who controls the most physical land. So, which country lays claim to the largest property in the world?

The World’s Largest Private Landowner

The largest private landowner globally is often considered to be the Queen (now King Charles III), representing the British monarchy.

The Crown Estate in the United Kingdom is a massive portfolio of land and property, but even more extensive are the lands owned by the British Crown in Canada. Under the legal framework of the British Commonwealth, the monarchy technically holds the rights to the vast majority of land across Canada.

This translates to around 2.4 billion acres, making it the largest individual landholding under the control of one entity. While the Canadian government administers these lands, the sovereign remains the official owner.

The Largest Corporate Landowners

When it comes to private corporate landownership, a notable name is Gina Rinehart, an Australian mining magnate. She controls some of the largest ranches and cattle stations in Australia, covering millions of acres.

Amazon’s Jeff Bezos and Tesla’s Elon Musk have also entered the land market in recent years, amassing large parcels across the United States for both personal and business interests.

The Largest Property in the United States

In the U.S., the federal government is the single largest landholder, controlling approximately 640 million acres of land across the country.

This includes national parks, forests, military bases, and other federal lands. States like Nevada and Alaska have huge portions of their territories owned by the federal government. Alaska alone has more than 223 million acres of land, a significant portion of which is under federal jurisdiction.

On the private side, the Emerson Family is among the largest private landowners in the U.S., owning nearly 2 million acres of timberland across the country.

The Largest Property in Australia

Australia is another vast land with extensive property holdings, particularly in the form of cattle stations (ranches). The largest of these is Anna Creek Station, located in South Australia.

Spanning over 6 million acres, this cattle station is larger than the entire country of Israel! Although Anna Creek Station was previously owned by the S Kidman & Co., it was sold to Australian billionaire Gina Rinehart and her business partners in 2016.

Australia is also home to some of the world’s largest mining estates, held by corporations like BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto, who manage vast tracts of land rich in natural resources.

Russia: The Largest Country by Landmass

While we’re discussing land, Russia cannot be overlooked. As the largest country on Earth by landmass, Russia spans an incredible 17.1 million square kilometers. Though much of it is uninhabitable due to harsh climates, the Russian government controls this land, which includes a wide range of natural resources like oil, gas, timber, and minerals.

Large swathes of Siberia, for example, are government-owned, but some private oligarchs hold significant private properties, though nothing approaching the scale of government-controlled lands.

Canada: The Land of Vast Holdings

While technically under the British Crown, Canada is a land of immense property. The country’s landmass extends over 9.98 million square kilometers, making it the second-largest country in the world by area. Large portions of Canadian land are owned or administered by the government for parks, nature reserves, and Indigenous lands.

China and Agricultural Landholdings

China is home to some of the largest agricultural landholdings in the world, though much of this is under state ownership. With a population of over 1.4 billion, much of China’s vast tracts of land are used for farming and feeding its people. The country is also known for its ambitious land reclamation projects, expanding its borders through man-made islands in disputed waters.

Saudi Arabia: Expansive Royal Estates

In the Middle East, countries like Saudi Arabia also feature some of the largest properties controlled by ruling families. The House of Saud is one of the wealthiest and most influential royal families globally, with significant control over the kingdom’s resources, including vast landholdings and oil fields.

Conclusion: Land Ownership Is More Than Just Size

While Canada (via the British Crown) holds the title for the largest individual landholding, countries like Russia, Australia, and the United States dominate in terms of sheer land area. However, the nature of land ownership varies across regions. In some countries, individuals and corporations hold massive estates, while in others, governments control the vast majority of the land.

Understanding land ownership helps us appreciate the balance of power, resources, and even food security in different regions. Whether it’s a monarch, a private individual, or a state, the story behind the largest properties in the world is one of historical significance, legal frameworks, and economic power.

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