Mastering A/B Tests: The Ultimate Guide to Boosting Your Sales

Running A/B testing for social ads is essential, but here’s a question: How long should you let those tests run before deciding which ad to prioritize and which one to stop? Let’s dive into this crucial topic.

A Warm Welcome!

Happy Wednesday! There’s a lot happening around the office right now. These past few weeks have been incredibly busy.

One of the biggest developers in the world, Brooklyn Point’s Xtel, hired us. When the article came out last week, it mentioned that our social presence was one of the primary reasons why they chose us over other firms. Mind you, we’ve been around for less than 50 days! So, I figured I’d take this week’s blog to share exactly how my team and I sell through social media and do it better than everyone else.

Why Selling on Social Media Matters

Whether you’re a real estate agent or in sales, social media is where it’s at, especially in 2020. If you want longevity in your business, using the right lead and listing ads on social media is absolutely crucial. Today, we’ll dive into the nitty-gritty of how to dominate sales on social media. Get ready—this is going to blow your mind.

Who am I? A Brief Introduction

For those of you who don’t know me, here’s a quick intro. If this is your first time here, maybe you were drawn in by the caption, and you’re in sales, running social ads, trying different techniques—some that work, some that don’t. Let me tell you, they can work better.

I led the #1 sales team in New York multiple years in a row, according to the Wall Street Journal, and I was ranked in the top 3 in the U.S. for several years. At 26, I was one of the youngest sales directors ever, handling a billion-dollar sellout in NYC. Oh, and I’m now the most followed real estate brand in the world.

Case Study: Social Media Success in Real Estate

Let me give you a recent example.Long story short, they bought the townhouse for $13 million! Social media made the difference.

It’s a 20% off sale, promoted almost entirely through social ads. Typically, we have 5-6 people coming through the building on weekends. But with the ads, we had 40 people yesterday and nine offers on day one!

And if you’re not already, make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel and hit that notification bell—this content is crucial for your business!

Expanding Beyond Your Followers

Our ability to reach people through social ads goes far beyond just our followers. This is where my Director of Digital Marketing, Raphael, comes in. Let’s break it down together.

Raphael: “My role focuses on performance marketing and digital ads. Essentially, I help our ads go beyond our follower base to reach new audiences.”

Raphael has been doing this for over 10 years, and here’s the thing: everything we do to sell properties through social media, you can do too.

Three Biggest Mistakes in Social Media Ads

  1. ONLY Boosting Posts
    A lot of people think hitting the “boost” button on Instagram or Facebook is enough. But that’s not how it works. You need to use Ads Manager to target the right audience.
  2. Using the wrong bait
    If you’re showing ads to the wrong people, you won’t get the results you want. Your content, images, and how you speak to your audience matter.
  3. Not Testing Multiple Ads
    Salespeople often put up one ad, and if it doesn’t work, they give up. The key is to keep testing and iterating until you find what works.

A/B Testing and Optimization

Here’s a common question we get from our community: How long should you let an A/B test run before choosing a winner?

Raphael’s answer: “I usually wait for each ad to get at least 100 clicks before making any decisions. From those 100 clicks, evaluate how many leads you generate.”

It’s not about which ad gets to 100 clicks first; it’s about which ad converts the best from those clicks. Test, optimize, and then double down on what works.

Choosing the Right Platform

Another question we often get: Which platform is best for ads—Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn? Raphael explains:

  • LinkedIn is excellent for professional outreach.
  • Facebook and Instagram are best for targeting and reaching large audiences. Ads run across both platforms when you use the Facebook Ads Manager, allowing their algorithm to show your ad to the right people at the right time.

Compelling Copy and CTA

You need to tell a story and engage your audience. There’s no magic tagline that works for everyone. You’ll discover what works best for your audience through organic posting and testing. Always include a strong call-to-action (CTA) to drive the results you want.

How Many Images Should You Include in an Ad?

While carousel ads allow you to use up to 10 images, you don’t always have to use all of them. Sometimes, using fewer images creates curiosity and leads people to click through to learn more.

Our Social Ads Course

Want to take your social ads to the next level? We’ve developed a 24-chapter course with how-to guides, worksheets, and strategies designed to triple your lead volume. This is the exact system my team and I use in New York City, and if it works for us, it will work for you.


If you follow these strategies, you’ll dominate your market with social ads. Whether you’re selling real estate or any other product, testing, targeting, and crafting the right message will give you the competitive edge you need.

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